Tuesday, June 21, 2016


The first thing I learnt about God as a child was that He loves the world so much that He gave his only begotten/beloved son to die for us, that who ever believed in him should not perish (John 3: 16).
What does he want back for this sacrifice? Our love and undieing devotion.
The Bible says in John 15:13 greater love than this had no man shown before: laying down his own life for his friend. Yet Jesus did it for us. Yet we still doubt him. Doubt his love for us and his ability to save and deliver us. Lord please have mercy on us, Amen.

At this point, if you know that you do not have Jesus in your life. This is the time to ask him into your life. To enjoy this beautiful relationship that he wants to get into with you. You need to place your right hand on your heart and say now, " Lord Jesus I am ready now to get into this relationship with you. I repent of all my sins. Thank you for shedding your blood to cleanse me and give me new and eternal life. Wipe my name from the book of death and destruction, write my name in the book of life. Help me never to return to vomit again. Thank you Jesus. Amen!!!

Welcome to the family of light. Jesus loves you, I love you and the people of God love you. What joy and rejoicing is going on in heaven right now because of you!John 15:10
Now that you have declared for Jesus, find the nearest Bible believing church and worship with them Ps133:1

Never ever doubt that JESUS LOVES YOU AND I FOR REAL. And you and i are the infallible proofs of that love. Our lives and the fact that storms and troubles of life has still not been able to bring us down forever are proofs. The righteous falls 7 times and will rise 7 times. We can never be knocked out.
He is working behind the scene of life and writing the script of our life and training us to be his witnesses. Let your heart be strenghtened in Jesus today. He loves you, he wants you, speak to him today, hes waiting to hear from you.
Stay blessed, shallom

Please feel free to share your testimonies, prayer request or ask your questions. As you go through this blog, don't fail to lift your hearts in prayer to God for any prayer points our brothers and sisters are dropping here. God bless you In Jesus Name.

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